Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Response to "The Real Face of Jesus"

Last night, the History Channel aired a special called "The Real Face of Jesus." The basis of the program was to highlight a year-long project to create a real-life three dimensional model of the figure found on the Shroud of Turin. The Shroud of Turin is believed by many to be the actual burial cloth of Jesus Christ.

First of all, do I believe that the Shroud of Turin is the actual burial cloth of Jesus? Honestly, I don't know. If I had to take a stand I would say that it is probably NOT the real cloth. I do think a convincing case can be made to lean toward believing that it is, just as there is a convincing case that it is not the real cloth. The bottom line is we do not know - I think skeptics will always doubt it and Shroud believers will always believe it. What I do know is that, whatever it is, it is a fascinating item. If it is merely man made, the man who made it was brilliant!

So, what about the image that they were able to produce on this special? Well, it was pretty amazing, to be honest. The process of creating the image was incredible. To take such an unlikely starting point like the faint image on the Shroud and produce such a life-like image (albeit it with admitted artistic freedom) was a reflection of the marvel of modern technology.

That being said, let me give a word of caution. We must all be careful in how we treat something like the Shroud of Turn - just as with any picture of Jesus. If we begin to give reverence to any such likeness, we fall into idolatry.

My main point here, however, is to point of a word of caution about this special. I have watched several specials on both the History Channel and the Discovery Channel dealing with Biblical issues. They all follow the same pattern, a pattern seen in a special on the Garden of Eden that was re-aired before "The Real Face of Jesus." What is the pattern? Spend 3/4 of the special showing how an event or place can be verified, then spend the final moments of the show demonstrating how the Biblical account if flawed. So, I watched last night's special watching for the twist, and it never came! The dagger was more subtle this time around.

The special was largely leaning toward believing that the image on the Shroud was, indeed, the image of Jesus Christ. However, throughout the 2-hour special, there were continual affirmations that if the Shroud is authentic, it proves the claims of the early Gnostics. Bingo - there it is!!!! First of all, the leap of logic from the Shroud being authentic to the Gnostics being correct is a massive leap.

But why would the History Channel use this as a chance to champion Gnostic literature? Well, it is once you get sucked into beliving the Gnostic gospels, you will get sucked into a world that undermines the true Jesus and the truth of the Bible. You will be sucked into the world of the DaVinci Code, the Lost Tomb of Jesus, and others.

While fascinating, "The Real Face of Jesus" stayed faithful with the anti-Bible position of the History Channel. But, should we, as Christians, want to see something like the Shroud proven to be authentic? Honestly, it doesn't matter. Even if the Shroud is authentic, skeptics will continue to deny it. The same would be true if we found Noah's Ark, or any other Biblical artifact. We want faith to be based on seeing. The Bible commends us for faith without seeing. I do not need a Shroud to affirm my faith. And when I see the real Jesus face to face, I won't care if the Shroud was authentic or not - for I will behold the Substance of the shadow.

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