Monday, June 21, 2010

Fellowship of the Burning Heart (June 14-20, 2010)

OK, another week in the books! How did it go?

I tweaked the settings on the blog, so it should be easier to leave comments. If you do not have accounts with the options, you can now use the "Anonymous" or "Name" settings to leave your comment.

1. Did you spend at least 1 hour with the Lord every day this week?

2. What did God say to you in that time?

3. What was the biggest obstacle you faced in spending time with Him?

1 comment:

  1. 1. I think so. There was 1 day I wasn't paying attention to time and can't say for certain.

    2. Really searching my motives in all things - is there any elemet of self in what I am doing for the Lord?

    3. Again - crazy busy.
