Imagine a strong, beautiful tree. It gives shade to the animals from the hot summer sun. It produces life-giving fruit for others to eat and benefit from. Even in times of drought, the tree does not wither. And, while others struggle in the heat of the drought, they can find shelter and benefit from this tree. How is it that the tree is able to do this? Why is the tree not weakened by the drought? Because it is planted by water, and its roots never lack the life-giving water that it needs to flourish.
This is the image that we are given in Psalm 1, “He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers” (v.3). This verse is used to describe what can and should be true of believers if they meet one particular condition. What is that condition? Specifically, it points back to the previous verse. We read in verse 2, “but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on His law he meditates day and night” (emphasis added). When we allow the Word to dwell in us richly (Colossians 3:16), we become that life-giving tree planted by streams of water.
As we know, read, meditate upon, study and live God’s Word, the life-giving power of the Holy Spirit flows through us. If we abide here, we will not wither in the drought. Others may experience the benefit of God working in and through us. The fruit of the Spirit can be produced to feed and bless others. This is not so that anyone would be impressed with us. After all, take away the water and the tree is useless. It is God, not us, who is providing what we need and what others need.
So, what is our role? To abide in Christ through time in the Word of God. Statistics show that Christians do not prioritize God’s Word in their lives. It is no wonder we are lacking the nourishing fruit that the world so desperately needs from us.
Take time today to get into God’s Word, and allow the life-giving power of the Holy Spirit to begin flowing in and through you.
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