Monday, November 1, 2010

Sermons: Ezra

April 2008

April 28, 2008: Ezra: Chapters 8 to 10 (Download or Stream)
  • Once we get serious about following Jesus, we suddenly realize certain things in our lives that we never noticed before that are standing in the way of our moving forward with the Lord. See what the people of Israel learned about this as we finish our study of Ezra.
April 27, 2008: Ezra: Chapters 6 to 7 (Download or Stream)
  • The Bible consistently spells out the elements needed for revival. Church history spells out those same components. We have many of those elements in place within the modern Church, but one major factor is missing. Let us see what that last spark is as we continue our study of Ezra.
April 27, 2008: Ezra: Chapters 4 to 5 (Download or Stream)
  • You are back on fire for the Lord! When that happens, don’t be surprised if opposition comes your way. As we continue our study of Ezra, let us see how that opposition can arise.
April 27, 2008: Ezra: Chapters 1 to 3 (Download or Stream)
  • God is a God of second chances. The question is, what will we do with the second chances He gives us. The people of Israel set a good example for us as they are given a second chance and released from captivity. Let us see how they responded and what we can learn from them as we begin our study of Ezra.