August 2007
August 26, 2007: Genesis: Chapters 49 to 50 (Download or Stream)•God sees the end from the beginning. Sometimes He does things that do not make sense to us, but make total sense when seen from His perspective. See how this plays out for Joseph, his family, and for all Israel as we finish our study of the book of Genesis.
August 19, 2007: Genesis: Chapters 47 to 48 (Download or Stream)
•Can the Spirit of God truly take an ordinary person and do extraordinary things through that person? Can God do something in and through you that you do not feel qualified to do? Find out as we continue our study through the book of Genesis.
August 5, 2007: Genesis: Chapter 46 (Download or Stream)
•Some decisions seems so obvious and simple that we think we can make them on our own. Jacob is presented with a “no brainier” decision, but you may be surprised at how he responds. See what he did as we continue our study of Genesis.
July 2007
July 29, 2007: Genesis: Chapters 44 to 45 (Download or Stream)
•Does trials and hardships make you bitter or do they make you better? What did Joseph learn through his struggles and what we can learn from our hardships? Find out as we continue our study through the book of Genesis.
July 22, 2007: Genesis: Chapters 42 to 43 (Download or Stream)
•They say, “Revenge is sweet.” What would you do or say if you were to see someone who has hurt you deeply? Joseph was faced with that moment and he had the power to enact his revenge. Find out what he did as we continue our verse-by-verse study through Genesis.
July 15, 2007: Genesis: Chapters 40 to 41 (Download or Stream)
•Ambition can corrupt a man. Joseph never desired to be great, he simply wanted to be faithful. See why this is the very reason God raised him up to be a man of power and influence as we continue our study of Genesis.
July 8, 2007: Genesis: Chapters 38 to 39 (Download or Stream)
•Temptations surround us everyday. The hardest temptations are the ones where we think nobody will ever find out. Joseph knew that God saw everything. See how he was able to overcome strong temptation and how we can follow his example as we continue our study through the book of Genesis.
July 1, 2007: Genesis: Chapter 37 (Download or Stream)
•Was Joseph hated because he was arrogant or because he was special? Why is he such a significant person in the Old Testament? Find out as we resume our verse-by-verse study through Genesis.
June 2007
June 17, 2007: Genesis: Chapters 35 to 36 (Download or Stream)
•The efforts of the flesh can seem to have quicker and more abundant results than doing things God’s way. However, the final product is very different. See what this means for us as we continue our study of Genesis.
June 10, 2007: Genesis: Chapters 33 to 34 (Download or Stream)
•Can a strained or damaged relationship ever be reconciled? Esau wanted to see Jacob dead. If the two of them can be reconciled, there is hope for us all! See what happens when these brothers are reunited as we continue our study through the book of Genesis.
May 2007
May 27, 2007: Genesis: Chapter 32 (Download or Stream)
•It has been said that we only truly come to the beginning of God when we finally come to the end of ourselves. However, coming to the end of ourselves leaves a mark on us. Join with Jacob as he wrestles with God as we continue our study of Genesis.
May 20, 2007: Genesis: Chapter 30, verse 25 to Chapter 31, verse 55 (Download or Stream)
•Is it ever OK to decide that enough is enough and walk away from a situation where you are being taken advantage of? See what Jacob did as we continue our study through Genesis.
May 13, 2007: Genesis: Chapters 29 to 30a (Download or Stream)
•Who is it that bothers you most? Who do you find to be the most difficult to tolerate? Is it possible that the problem might be that the person reminds you of yourself? See how this impacted Jacob as we continue our verse-by-verse study of Genesis.
May 6, 2007: Genesis: Chapters 27b to 28 “House of God” (Download or Stream)
•Can we ever break out of our slump, get our act together, and start being the person God wants us to be? Jacob was a good candidate for someone who would never get over himself, but God was able to get a hold of him. See how God can get a hold of you as we continue our study through the book of Genesis.
April 2007
April 29, 2007: Genesis: Chapters 26 to 27a “Can God Use You?” (Download or Stream)
•Can you ever deserve God’s blessing? Do you have to have your act together before God decides to use you? See what we find in the life of Jacob as we continue our study of Genesis.
April 22, 2007: Genesis: Chapter 25 “The Choice” (Download or Stream)
•Predestination or free will? God’s sovereignty or man’s choice? What lies behind our salvation? Does it matter? Can we ever bring some sense out of this seemingly endless debate? Find out as we continue our study of Genesis.
April 15, 2007: Genesis: Chapters 23 to 24 “A Bride Prepared” (Download or Stream)
•The Bible calls the Church the “Bride of Christ.” What does this ancient story of Isaac tell us about us as His bride? Find out as we continue through our verse-by-verse study of Genesis.
April 1, 2007: Genesis: Chapter 22 “Walking By Faith” (Download or Stream)
•What is your breaking point? At what point does obedience to God become too costly for you? How far was Abraham willing to go and what can we learn from him? Find out as we continue our study through Genesis
March 2007
March 25, 2007: Genesis: Chapters 20 to 21 “Step Carefully” (Download or Stream)
•Sometimes it feels like God takes forever to fulfill His promises. In the long wait, it is easy for us to give up hope. But when He does keep His word, what a joyous moment that is! Celebrate with Abraham as he sees the realization of a long-delayed promise as we continue our study of Genesis.
March 18, 2007: Genesis: Chapter 19 “The Appointed Time” (Download or Stream)
•Is it in God’s nature to let the righteous perish with the wicked? When it comes time to pour out wrath, what will God do for those who belong to Him? Find out as we continue our study of Genesis.
March 11, 2007: Genesis: Chapter 18 “Can God Change His Mind?” (Download or Stream)
•Can God change His mind? If He can, what does that say about Him? If He cannot, what does that say about our need to pray? Let us find answers to these issues as we continue our verse-by-verse study of Genesis.
March 4, 2007: Genesis: Chapters 16 to 17 “The Patience of God” (Download or Stream)
•Whenever we stop patiently trusting God, and take matters into our own hands, we will always make a mess of things. It happens to the best of us. It happened to Abraham. See what happened as we continue our study in the book of Genesis.
February 2007
February 25, 2007: Genesis: Chapters 14 to 15 “God of the Impossible” (Download or Stream)
•What is the greatest challenge you face in life? Have you ever wondered if God was really big enough to handle it? Discover what God is able to do as we continue our study through the book of Genesis.
February 18, 2007: Genesis: Chapter 12, verse 10 to Chapter 13, verse 18 “Catastrophe of Carelessness” (Download or Stream)
•Is one little, white lie really a big deal? To the person telling the lie, it may not be a big deal. However, the people around you may have a different answer. Find out what Abraham learned as we continue our study of the book of Genesis.
February 11, 2007: Genesis: Chapters 11, verse 1 to Chapters 12, verse 9 “A Tale of Two Paths” (Download or Stream)
•Abraham is one of the greatest figures of the Old Testament. He is considered the father of the Israelites. Why was he so special? Why did God choose him to establish a covenant with? Find out as we continue our study of Genesis.
February 4, 2007: Genesis: Chapters 9 to 10 “Covenant-Keeping God” (Download or Stream)
•God gave the rainbow as a sign of His covenant. Let us see the greatness of our covenant-keeping God and the tragedy of how He is mocked today as we continue our verse-by-verse study of Genesis.
January 2007
January 28, 2007: Genesis: Chapters 7 to 8 “A Rescue. A Promise.” (Download or Stream)
•Can we really believe those far-fetched stories the Bible, like Noah and the Ark? Find out some amazing realities behind this story as we continue our study of Genesis.
January 21, 2007: Genesis: Chapters 5 to 6 “Standing Alone” (Download or Stream)
•The cross of Jesus Christ is symbolized in a variety of ways throughout the Old Testament. One example is found in the building of the ark. See how the ark points to the cross and why Noah was spared from the Flood as we continue our study of the book of Genesis.
January 14, 2007: Genesis: Chapter 4 “Light in the Darkness” (Download or Stream)
•Jealousy. We have all felt its tug at our hearts. But does it really do any harm? If left unchecked, it could have fatal results – see why as we continue our study of Genesis.
January 7, 2007: Genesis: Chapter 3, verse 1 to 24 “The Darkest Day” (Download or Stream)
•If ever there was a day that changed the course of human history, it was the day that Adam and Eve took hold of the forbidden fruit. The reason they fell is the same reason we fall. As we continue our study in Genesis, discover the secret of success that the Enemy has been using ever since the Garden of Eden, so that we can stand victorious.
December 2006
December 31, 2006: Genesis: Chapter 2, verse 4 to 25 “Prefect. Pure. Paradise.” (Download or Stream)
•Wouldn’t it be wonderful to live in a perfect world? Just think, we wouldn’t sin, right? Adam and Eve had the opportunity to live in a perfect environment. See what it was like and what went wrong as we continue our study of Genesis.
December 10, 2006: Genesis: Chapter 1, verse 20 to Chapters 2, verse 3 “God of Wonders – Part 2″ (Download or Stream)
•Let us continue to look at the Creation of God as we continue our study of Genesis and let us also see what sets humans apart from the rest of God’s Creation.
December 3, 2006: Genesis: Chapter 1, verse 1 to 19 “God of Wonders – Part 1″ (Download or Stream)
•“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” This is one of the most debated, yet most important statements in all the Bible. In the midst of a world convinced that science explains away the need for God to create anything, can we really hold fast to the Biblical account of Creation? Join us as we begin our study of the book of beginnings, the book of Genesis.