Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Chuck Smith Controversy

Perhaps you've come across the buzz online over the past few days pertaining to Chuck Smith (Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa).  I know in the grand scheme of things, my opinion is not been sought out by many.  However, as someone who has spoken often, including on ABIDE! Radio, about my admiration for Pastor Chuck Smith, I feel like I should add my voice for whatever it is worth. 

If you do not know, during his radio program (Pastor's Perspective) last week, a woman called in looking for his advice because of her pregnancy.  In short, she is pregnant with conjoined twins and her doctors have made it clear that the life expectancy is extremely low, added to the fact that her life may be in danger if she proceeds with the pregancy.  The doctors are encouraging her to have an abortion.  She is a wife and mother of a young daughter.  She was clearly burdened and emotional during her call to Pastor Chuck.  Bascially, Pastor Chuck did not encourage her to have an abortion, but sought to assure her that the Lord would show her grace if that is what she ended up doing.  This has caused quite a stir.  And, as we Christians are too good at doing, this has resulted in an all out attack on Pastor Chuck. 

Before I go further, let me add another piece to the background.  During the same show the next day, someone called-in asking him to clarify his answer.  Pastor Chuck affirmed that he is against abortion, and sees it as sin.  However, he added that in cases where the mother's life is in danger, it is not quite as cut and dry.  This has been seen by some as a lie because they say the woman never said her life was in danger.  As I carefully listened to the segment myself, it is clear that the woman implied such as she mentioned the danger of complications and how this bothered her because of her young daughter.  However a person choses to respond to Pastor Chuck's counsel to her, he did not lie to cover his tracks. 

Before I continue, let me be clear - yes, I do like Pastor Chuck.  I am not a Calvary Chapel pastor.  However, I have seen him as a distant "mentor" when it comes to ministry.  I have no vested interested in attacking or defending Pastor Chuck. 

First of all, I do have to say that I disagree with his advice.  I am against abortion.  I would never encourage any woman to ever abort her baby under any circumstance.  In addition, I would not been so quick to make a woman considering an abortion feel better about doing so.  I would have counseled her to consider the seriousness of killing the baby and to get a second medical opinion and to fast and pray about this carefully.  This is a decision left best to her and her husband in prayer.  In any counseling scenario, I have tried to avoid giving too much advice and prefer to help someone keep all the facts in mind as they seek the Lord's direction. 

There are many people jumping to conclusions, in my opinion.  There is so much about this that we do not know.  All we heard is the phone conversation.  We do not know what, if any, additional information may have been given to Pastor Chuck by a call screener, if there was one.  We assume that her doctors are a bunch of liberal, kill babies at all costs doctors.  We can find all sorts of stories about similar situations where mother and babies were fine.  However, I'm sure there are equal number of stories that do not turn out that way.  Many say that, in this case, the mother needs to trust God and go ahead, willing to die if necessary.  I am not arguing for or against that.  All I will say is that the view is pretty good here from the cheap seats.  It is not my wife in that position.  It is not my daughter in danger of losing her Mommy.  It is not my daughter facing this decision. 

For all we know, this woman may have consulted several good doctors who have come to the painful conclusion, for her situation.  It is nice to compare medical stories, but in the end, medical issues can be so very different from patient to patient.  I think we need to pause and realize that there is a whole lot that we do not know about the details behind this situation.

I know that Pastor Chuck has a lot of "enemies."  Conservative Fundamentalists do not like him because he is too charismatic and shows too much grace to the TBN's of the world.  Liberals do not like him because he is too much of a Bible literalist.  Many Charismatics do not like him because he does not support a spiritual gifts free for all.  He is not a Calvinist or an Arminian.  I have a feeling there are some who were waiting in the shadows to jump on him for anything. 

Some solid believers are just saddened that a pastor did not talk her out of considering an abortion.  I would best fit with this group.  I would join those in this category of praying for this woman.  This is a very sad situation all around. 

So far, Todd Friel (Wretched Radio) has had the best summary of this situation that I have seen.  He affirms that Pastor Chuck made a bad call.  However, we must remember that this is a man who has faithfully served the Lord for more than 50 years and has never once wavered on the Gospel.  He is well within "orthodox Christianity."         

Do I disgree with his advice?  Yes.  Is my conclusion based on limited information?  Yes.  Because of that, I am not willing to throw him under the bus.  I am not going to join the cry for his resignation. 

What I will do is add my voice to beg my brothers and sisters in Christ to stop it.  Somewhere along the way, we have embraced an all or nothing test for Christian brotherhood.  I found myself drifting into this some time ago, as well.  What I mean is that if someone does not line up with us perfectly on every point about everything, we label them a heretic, take up pithcforks and torches and declare war on them. 

Here is how I would summarize the Chuck Smith situation.  Perhaps information was passed on to him from a call screener making it clear that this woman has pursued all options and is facing the reality of what she must do if she wants to survive for her little girl.  As a Christian, she is grieved and broken over this, and perhaps paranoid (from other Christians) that having an abortion will mean that she will lose her salvation and burn in hell.  Why do I suspect this?  Because what I heard in Pastor Chuck's response was a concern for this woman and trying to comfort her and minister to her.  Someone can strongly disagree with his counsel to her, but launching an all out attack is out of place for us. 

As a pastor, I have wrestled in prayer and lost enough sleep over how to help people in crisis to assume that Pastor Chuck was at least not flippant in his response.  Until I hear otherwise, I have a feeling that he knew something that we do not.  Whatever I may feel about his response to this woman, my lack of information and his 50+ year track record, I am unable to call him to walk the plank.  I will keep my place in the cheap seats, pray that God do something miraculous with this mother, and pray that he give different counsel next time. 


  1. I am a former Calvary Chapel goer (in the late 80s) who eventually converted to Roman Catholicism. I say that Im a born again evangelical Roman Catholic : ) I am a nurse who runs a Perinatal Hospice program wrote a response to this concern that is gentle and respectful to Pastor Smith and can be read at

    THe thing that struck me about your above post was that you said that people were calling for Pastor Smiths resignation...really? I think that modern day Evangelicalism promotes an idea of fake perfection with immediate banishment for those who dont measure up. At one time or another, we all make mistakes and sin. We ought not take sin lightly but this error actually created a huge teachable moment.

    So here in the wake of the error, he could just admit that he made a mistake (even on the second day, he still gave his blessing to the abortion) and use this as a chance to teach about Perinatal Hospice and his critics could simply forgive...I see neither of these things happening. How sad, I really and genuinely expected better.

    I live for Christ every day and I care for dying babies for a living but I dont think I will ever measure up to the "perfection" that seems to be demanded in this world, so I dont think you all ill be wanting me back antime soon.

  2. Tammy,
    Yes, it has gotten that intense. Too many have zero tolerance for mistakes. Too many are then afraid to admit their mistakes. I'm glad the Lord doesn't treat us like we treat each other.
