Friday, January 7, 2011

God's Sense of Humor

Please watch this video, then see my comments below. 

One of the things that most stood out to me in this clip is the woman who reasoned that since God has a sense of humor (He puts up with us every day) then that means we can make a mockery out of anything we want.  I see and hear that comment in more and more ways, including one church who did a skit protraying Jesus and the apostles during the Last Supper as someone at the table could not control their...well, bodily function. 

I believe Todd Friel does a great job, especially in relation to the Kennedy assasination as to why the Dorito communion is not funny.  Let me take that a little further.  First of all, in response to the woman on the news clip, God's patience with us is not a reflection of His sense of humor, but rather His kindness to us, giving us time to repent before we stand before Him on Judgement Day (2 Peter 3:9). 

Too often God's "sense of humor" is used as an excuse for any and all forms of blasphemy.  First of all, maybe God does have a sense of humor.  But I think we make a little too much of that.  There is a huge push to portray Jesus as joyful and light-hearted.  Scripture says that He was a man of sorrows aquainted with grief (Isaiah 53:3).  I am not saying that Jesus never laughed.  But why is it that we are more concerned with seeing a laughing Jesus than we are a holy Jesus?  Our culture makes a sense of humor a high quality to desire, while Scripture reserves that for holiness (1 Peter 1:16).  Again, I am not saying that holiness and a sense of humor are mutually exclusive.  Mine is simply a question of emphasis. 

My main point here is that if God has a sense of humor, that does not mean He laughs at everything.  I like to think that I have a sense of humor.  However, that does not mean that I am light-hearted about everything, especially about things that are important.  My sense of humor is not brought into question if you use any member of my family as the punchline to a dirty joke.  I am not required to lay the reputation of my family on the altar of "good fun."  If someone makes a mockery of the things of God, it is not up to them to excuse their actions because they declare God to have a sense of humor. 

To add to Todd's comparison to the Kennedy assination to sell Nerf guns, consider a tragedy that may have taken the life of one of your loved ones, or brought harm to a loved one.  It is fine to be light-hearted about light-hearted things.  But it is not "all in good fun" when we make a mockery of things are important - in this case, the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus.

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